Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sleepy Sunday

It is a very sleepy Sunday at my house today. The Hubby really should be cleaning out his apartment as today is his last day to do so, but he's really not feeling too well, so I'll let him sleep for a little bit. I was having some pretty hardcore contractions last night but they were irregular and not so incredibly bad that I couldn't stand them. They eventually stopped but all-in-all I'd say I got maybe two hours of sleep last night.

Smasher went to Alva with my mom last night after she went and saw OSU beat up on some KU (Go POKES!!!) He'll stay with her until she drops him off in the morning before work.

We went Sunday school this morning and happened to go on a day they were starting a new Sunday School class. I really enjoyed this class! It seemed like everyone in the group with the exception of one person was a married couple with young children. There were two baby girls and it made me wish 8 was here already. But I digress...After Sunday school we went to my old church because our friend was giving the sermon today. I was very glad we went. D-Beau did an amazing job. He's a very captivating speaker and I know he's going to be a wonderful pastor when he is through with seminary. After church we went to my MIL's house for some lunch. I was great! Roast with all the fixings and I didn't have to cook a thing! The rest of the day will be filled with sleeping and moving. I just wish I could help out more with the moving but since it's mainly boxes of books, I can't really do a whole lot. It's just too heavy and I'm afraid with my balance being as horrible as it is, I would fall down the stairs. It should have been done a long time ago, like in November, when we got married. But it didn't happen, so we're paying for it now.

Just FYI - I started a new blog. As some of you may know, I have started to become more aware of my environmental impact and when I actually sat down to evaluate how I was living, I didn't like it. So, my new blog is called "My Little Green Aliens," is about how my family is striving to become a more "green" family on a budget and in Enid, OK. Of course the title refers to Smasher and 8(even if she's not here yet.) It will feature blog entries about steps you can take to reduce your footprint even if you live in a state that doesn't necessarily care too much overall about being more eco-friendly and on a budget while dragging your kids and your husband along for the ride. So of these articles will pertain to parenting while others apply to everyone. It's also a blog about doing little things to save you money. So, it's a little hodge-podge, but this is something that I've become very passionate about. Since I've stopped working, I've been researching stuff like crazy and have become so interested I'm drive The Hubby crazy! Oh well. He'll deal.

So, for now, auf wiedersehen...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oh my aching back...

Being pregnant isn't fun. With Smasher I really had it pretty easy as far as the aches and pains went. I'm not so lucky this time around. 8 has really taken a toll on me physically. I'm sure I'll be fine once she gets here, but it's going be a rough 7 and a half months. I'm sure the next two and half won't be comfortable either. I can not seem to get comfortable no matter what I do. I toss and turn all night in the recliner because if I lie down in the bed on my side, my legs and hips feel like they're on fire. It's just a big mess. I can't wait for her to be here. I've kind of forgotten how it feels to actually get to sleep beside my husband.

Smasher is teething. He's in pretty good spirts considering how he feels. But I know the poor guy has got to be hurting something awful. He just looked so tired and hurt today and was crying for no apparent reason at one point. That's just not like him. He was running a little bit of fever but that seems to be gone now. He's at my aunt's for the time being since The Hubby and I have a bible study to attend tonight.

So, this bible study, 133. It's a really good group and I'm really enjoying the people in it. I feel like God is really blessing us and bringing really great people into the group. Last week we had 11 people. We had to pull chairs from all over the coffee shop. I feel like this group is really doing some great things and I feel like my participation in it is bringing me closer to God. Being close to God used to be something I had no problem with. But lately, I've had a few hiccups and I don't like it. I just feel a million miles away from Him and find myself having trouble really listening and doing what God wants me to do. I feel like this group though is pulling me back towards Him and where I should be. It's under some really good leadership. The guy is someone I've known for a long time and can really trust. The Hubby and I actually met through this guy and so I know he means a lot to us. Actually we met for the purpose of putting together a group and so the fact that it's garnering this much of a response is amazing to us and we both feel so blessed to be a part of it and really get to know some incredible people along the way. Everyone in the group helps the others to grow, I think. I'm just excited. I know sometimes Thursday gets here and I'm really tired from being with Smasher all week or I don't feel good because of the pregnancy and I really just want to veg out at home, but the fact is, I feel better when I go. I feel like I'm their for a purpose and that God is using the group as a way to speak to me. Maybe I just need to start listening!

Oh yeah, rediscovered a new favorite food today!!! Jasmine rice and terriyaki sauce!!! Smasher discovered the rice with dried pineapple and banana. He loved it!!! Healthy snacks make happy moms!!!

So, for now, auf weidersehen....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Little Miss 8

So there she is. Little Miss 8. She's adorable! I absolutely can not wait another 10 weeks until she's here. I mean, I can because I want her to be healthy, but I'm so excited. Smasher went with us today and was kind of a pain in the butt. I felt bad because The Hubby was busy dealing with him and I don't think he got to see much. We got about 40 pics though and a few video clips so he's reviewed all of those by now. She's got my lips. Other than that we can't decide who she resembles more. She yawned pretty much the entire time but was actually pretty active so we got some really cool video of her moving around. At one point she even stuck her toungue out at us which was pretty cool. Smasher was hamving a particularly bad screaming spell and she kind of acted like she was yelling at him for being so loud and not letting her sleep. I told her to let him do it now and maybe it won't be so bad when she's on the outside. The tech that did the ultrasound was great and she kind of remebered doing Smasher's too. All-in-all, it was a great experience.
Everything here is going well. I haven't been feeling well, but really, what else is new. I've got all of her stuff and hopefully that will be here in the next couple of days. We're pretty much set. The bassinet is on its way and will be here tomorrow (via Betsy). I have bought far too many clothes for her, but I know she'll look adorable in them. One outfit was even one that Smasher insisted on. I wasn't really sure that I liked it and went to put it back and he grabbed it and screamed. I don't usually give in, but he hugged it and said "ohh..." in he soothing voice. I'm sure that one will be her favorite. We'll see. Bottles and pump should be here by the end of the week, diapers next Tuesday and the Moby by next Friday. I'm just ready for her now.
So, for now, auf wiedersehen...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Naptimes=Happy mom!

It is naptime at our house. Smasher is sleeping peacefully in his crib. I'm considering taking a nap as well. Our nap got started a little late today. It really is okay since The Hubby doesn't get off work until 8:00 and we really like to eat as a family anyway.

Not a whole lot has been going on lately. Smasher, The Hubby and I took off to the OKC on Saturday. We went to the Apple store at Penn Square and they determined that even though my iPhone had water damage, the crack on the back cover meant that the one-year warrentee covered it. So instead of shelling out $200 for a replacement, I got it for FREE! I got lucky! Once we left there we stopped by the bathrooms for a much needed diaper change. The Hubby took Smasher while I went into the ladies room and low and behold one of The Hubby's best friend's wives was in the bathroom. Apparently her husband was in the men's and had snuck up on The Hubby. We stood and talked to them for awhile. She's due in July so we of course talked pregnancy stuff. I think it was good for The Hubby to see his friend as he has mentioned a few times lately that he missed this particular friend. After the mall we left to go to Backwoods so The Hubby could get some much needed climbing shoes and a harness. I mean, he does work at a rockwall. These things are probably good to have. Smasher kept running around in the store so he and I waited in the car. Then we headed to Babies R Us! The one on the north side of OKC is ridiculous so we headed south to the other one, which is amazing. Unfortunately, we went on the last day of a huge trade-in thing they had going on and so they didn't have the pack 'n' play we wanted. Oh well. I can order it sometime, I hope. We also decided that I still have so much stuff from Smasher that we don't really need anymore of the big stuff. We decided against a new stroller because I bought a carrier for 8 and by the time she's too big for the carrier, Smasher will not want to be in a stroller. But the new pack'n'play, I want...really badly. So we'll see. After that we headed back up to Edmond so we could see one of my best friends and also Smasher's godmother. It was so good to see her. I missed her so much! Smasher feel asleep on the way back and The Hubby and I had some excellent conversation. We love road trips because of the fact that we never run out of things to say to each other and we have some really great conversations.

Sunday was a down day. I started getting a little concerned because 8 wasn't really moving much, but more on that in a bit. We ordered diapers yesterday and I experienced a little sticker shock, but I know that cloth will be cheaper in the long run, especially with two children in diapers. Not only that but it's so much better for them and the environment. I love it!

Today has been relatively smooth. I had a doctor's appointment and told my doctor I was concerned because 8's movements have slowed down considerably. At 30 weeks, she should be moving like crazy! But he checked the fluids and her heart rate and everything is great with her. We have our 4D ultrasound on Wednesday and I am excited!!! I'll post pics when I get a chance.

So, for now, auf wiedersehen!

Friday, February 19, 2010

And....I'm Back!

After The Hubby's computer went caput a few weeks ago, we had decided that we would get a new one. Both of us are planning on going back to school pretty soon and hopefully I'll be able to do most of my stuff online, so we felt it was a good investment. I'm happy to have a new computer. We got a pretty fair deal on it I think. It's nice. We were both missing having a nicer computer since we both game quite a bit. The Hubby's old laptop could barely run anything so it will be nice to have a computer that does the games we play justice.

But anyway, on to the important stuff!!!

Smasher is growing like nobody's business! He no longer looks like a baby, but instead a very handsome little boy. I have no idea where the last fourteen months have gone but I want them back...sometimes. Days like yesterday though, well, they make me want to pull out my hair. Yesterday was a no-nap day. We don't have those too terribly often, but usually when we do, he's out by 8 or so without a fuss. Well, yesterday The Hubby had to work until 8:00 and then we had a bible study until 9:00. Smasher stayed with my aunt for a few hours while I did some shopping and went to the bible study. I expected him to take a little nap with her, but nope, he didn't. He was bright eyed and bushy tailed when we picked him up. Since he was in such a good mood, The Hubby and I took advantage of it and went to BWW since neither of us had eaten much all day. Smasher was perfect in the restaurant. Not really tired, but just very well behaved. He started getting a little fussy on the way home and by the time we got him to bed it was 10:30, about 2 and a half hours late, he was ready. Of course, I stayed up playing on the computer last night and now I regret it because for some reason, Smasher started screaming at 4:00 this morning and since The Hubby had to get up for work at 4:00 anyway, I got to talking to him and now can't go back to sleep. I'm running on 3 and a half hours of sleep people. That's not all. Smasher did go back to sleep after crying for a few minutes so hopefully I'll be able to chill out for a few more hours and try to sleep a little more. I love that little boy though. He is becoming so independent. For example, Wednesday we went to the park for a few minutes. It's a fairly large park with a fairly large pond in the middle of it. AFter walking for a little while, The Hubby tried to pick him up to carry him thinking that he was tired. He didn't like that. He wanted down. He also decided that holding our hands was just not cool at all. However, he didn't have a choice on that one. He wants to do so much on his own but when I walk in to his room or open the car door to get him out of his seat, he reaches up to me and usually lays his head down on my sholder or chest just long enough to let me know he loves me. I live for those moments.

8 (remember, that's Augustine) is doing great! She's growing like crazy too! I can't wait to see her! I'm currently about 28 and a half weeks along so in another ten and a half weeks, she'll be here. We've got most of the stuff we need from Smasher, so really all she needs is clothes. We've decided to use cloth diapers and hopefully can get Smasher switched over until we get him potty trained. It just makes sense when you think about how much trash you accumalate from disposables and the cost. Cloth diapering is so much less expensive. I mean average about $700 for cloth diapers that will last until the kid is potty trained as opposed to over $1000 in disposables in the first year alone. You do the math. But anyway, back to 8. We're going for the 4D ultrasound in Stillwater next Wednesday. That was one of my favorite things about being pregnant with Smasher, so I'm excited. It's amazing how accurate those ultrasounds can be. It's kind of like a glimpse of what she'll look like when she gets here. The closer we get the more excited The Hubby gets. I just have a really strong feeling that I'm not going to make it until May 3rd's scheduled c-section. If I don't, that's fine, as long as she's term. I did figure out that she'll be 37 weeks (full-term) on April 19th, which is The Hubby's birthday, but I really hope it's not then. I feel like every kid deserves their own birthday.

The Hubby and I are doinng great! We're still figuring out the whole "marriage" and living together things, but we're getting it figured out. We're more attuned to each other now. We've kind of got each other's pet peeves mapped out, even though mine change every five seconds. Thanks hormones. But really, he is amazing! My birthday was on the 5th and he took me to Tulsa and we registered, had dinner, and saw Avatar in 3D IMAX (AMAZING!!!). It was low key and low stress. It was what I really needed and he knew that. Then for Valentine's Day I was upset because I didn't have any clothes that fit me so we packed up and went to the city since Enid has no maternity clothes. He takes really good care of me. I am so lucky. And so in love with him. He's been working so hard to make sure that we have everything we need and still is so upbeat and supportive when he gets home. He and Smasher are pretty much attached at the hip and i can tell Smasher is generally happier when he's around. Not that he's not when it's just he and I but The Hubby is able to pick him up or get down on his level more easily than I can right now. I love watching the two of them together.

Well, it's raining in Enid, America today. It's supposed to all weekend. I'm cool with that!

So, for now, auf wiedersehen...and hopefully goodnight.