Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Little Miss 8

So there she is. Little Miss 8. She's adorable! I absolutely can not wait another 10 weeks until she's here. I mean, I can because I want her to be healthy, but I'm so excited. Smasher went with us today and was kind of a pain in the butt. I felt bad because The Hubby was busy dealing with him and I don't think he got to see much. We got about 40 pics though and a few video clips so he's reviewed all of those by now. She's got my lips. Other than that we can't decide who she resembles more. She yawned pretty much the entire time but was actually pretty active so we got some really cool video of her moving around. At one point she even stuck her toungue out at us which was pretty cool. Smasher was hamving a particularly bad screaming spell and she kind of acted like she was yelling at him for being so loud and not letting her sleep. I told her to let him do it now and maybe it won't be so bad when she's on the outside. The tech that did the ultrasound was great and she kind of remebered doing Smasher's too. All-in-all, it was a great experience.
Everything here is going well. I haven't been feeling well, but really, what else is new. I've got all of her stuff and hopefully that will be here in the next couple of days. We're pretty much set. The bassinet is on its way and will be here tomorrow (via Betsy). I have bought far too many clothes for her, but I know she'll look adorable in them. One outfit was even one that Smasher insisted on. I wasn't really sure that I liked it and went to put it back and he grabbed it and screamed. I don't usually give in, but he hugged it and said "ohh..." in he soothing voice. I'm sure that one will be her favorite. We'll see. Bottles and pump should be here by the end of the week, diapers next Tuesday and the Moby by next Friday. I'm just ready for her now.
So, for now, auf wiedersehen...