Friday, March 12, 2010

Blackouts, needles and hunger,...oh my.

For months, I have been experiencing blackouts for no apparent reason. The initial thought was my blood suger, which is fine. But yesterday was bad. The Hubby said I was out for about 20 minutes and that I would start convulsing if he tried to touch me. I finally conceded and we went to the hospital. I know 8 was fine but we went to labor and delivery anyway to make sure my blood pressure was fine. While we were there my doctor wanted them to do some test. So they hooked me up to an IV and drew some blood. After about two and a half hours there, they said they wanted me to go to the ER so they could run any test that they needed to down there. I sat in the waiting room of the ER in the hospital gown they made me change into, hooked up to an IV for four hours. It was horrible. So they finally got me into a room and ran a series of reflex test and an EKG. The PA seemed fairly confident that it was probably just a pregnancy thing and it will go away after 8 is born, but she did want to run more test. I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere. This has been happening since October and I feel like I finally am getting some answers other than "It's low blood sugar." I have to call today and schedule an EEG, MRI and I'll have to wear a harness monitor for 24 hours to make sure its not my heart. Hopefully I can get in early next week. We got to the hospital around 3:30 and left around 11:00.

We didn't eat before we went so we were absolutely starving and by the end of the trip, I was blaming The Hubby for everything. I feel really bad about it today. I'll have to do something to make up for it. We picked up Smasher from The Hubby's mom's house and tried to go to Taco Bell for something quick but they didn't have what I wanted so we went to IHOP for an omlet. Yes, I have turned into the parent that takes her small child into a restaurant at 11:30 at night. never thought I'd be one of those. Luckily he had been asleep since 9:00 and had woken up when we picked him up so he wasn't too cranky. I just felt bad and like I was being judged but gosh dangit, I was tired and hungry!

Smasher let me sleep until 9:30 this morning and I am so grateful for that since The Hubby has to work 4:45-10am on Friday mornings. But I'm afraid to pick him up becasue I'm so shaky but he seems to be fine playing in his crib with some toys until The Hubby gets home and can lift him out of his crib. I'm really swollen today from the IV fluids but I hope that will go away throughout the day. Smasher's dad is coming to get him today and while usually I hate to see him go for the weekend, I really need this weekend to sleep. I'll miss him. I always do. But he needs some dad time so it'll be okay.

I'm just glad that I have so many people who are supportive and so many prayers for my family. They mean the world to me. Just as long as everything is safe for Little Miss 8 and Smasher, then I'm alright.

So, for now, auf wiedersehen...