Saturday, March 20, 2010

Snow!?! Really!?!

On the first day of spring, no less. I am really tired of all the snow. It was 70 degrees yesterday! What happened to that!?! I live in Oklahoma, not some frozen wasteland. We have gotten our fair share of snow this year. It's time to lay off, Mother Nature. I've been having some horrible contractions, some which some regularity, so watch, she's going to decide to come during this blizzard thing outside and it's going to suck having to get to the hospital. I hope not, but I'm just sayin'.

You know, the snow wouldn't be so bad if there were fun things to do in it but seeing as I live in a dry wasteland (at least most of the time) there are no fun mountains to ski down or ponds that get frozen enough to ice skate on. No, we here in these parts just have the option of going to the local overpass to sled. And I can't even do that right now. Nor can I do the skiing or skating but at least I'd have pretty mountains to look at instead of the snow-covered empty school parking lot across the street from me. Chai has a good idea. Curl up into a itty-bitty tiny ball and sleep. Don't even let the kid pulling your hair wake you up. Smart move kitty.

Well, Smash is awake and gibbering in his crib so I think I'll take him to the window and let him see the snow. The kid loves the snow! I don't get it. We won't be going out in it. The last time it was like this and I went outside, I feel down the steps. Maybe when The Hubby gets home they can go out for a few minutes. We'll see. But seeing Smasher's face light up at the snow actually makes up for it and I can't help but smile as he serenely watches it float by.

So, for now, auf wiedersehen...and stay warm!