Friday, August 20, 2010

It's been a while

I've been a little busy.

Smasher is getting into his terrible two's and things at our house are in constant disarray. I'm trying to stay clam. I'm trying to keep my patience with him, but it's getting harder and harder. Somedays I feel like selling him to the highest bidder. But...then the night time comes and I put him down to bed and he smiles at me and gives me my hugs and even says "nigh-nigh" sometimes, and I feel on top of the world. Last night was an exception. He cried every thirty minutes ALL night long! It was horrible. He finally chilled when The Hubster brought him into our room when he left for work this morning. We both got about 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It was blissful.

BG is doing well. She's growing up so fast and is developing her own little personality. She's so funny and usually a VERY easy going little girl. But when she does want something, she will let you know! She's 14 and a half weeks old now which is so weird that she's already that old. She's going to be such a neat little kid though, I can already tell.

Truth be told, my kids are incredible. My husband is amazing and I'm one lucky girl. Things aren't going so great right now due to some plumbing problems our landlord is not able to fix right now and The Hubster is waiting to hear back about a couple of jobs, but I know that when God does put things into motion, it's going to be incredible!!!