Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And the envelope please...

Okay, not really. I have to double check with The Hubby just to make sure. He's not too happy about it, but since I let it slip to my mom at dinner yesterday (geez, that lady is convincing) he said I could tell people. But I would feel more comfortable double checking with him first...again. It really is a beautiful name. I'm excited and by us telling people, we can get some help with the middle name perhaps.

Smasher is being such a great kiddo today. Not like he's not typically, just extra well behaved today. We were reading a while ago and The Expected kicked him and he looked at me like, "Why is your tummy kicking me?" I pointed at my stomach and said, "Baby." He looked at me like I was crazy but gave it a quick pet before jumping out of my lap to play with his tractor. He has been playing nicely in his room for most of the day. I've been in there with him for the better part of it getting some good mama-Smasher time in. But he is now pleasantly taking a nap and I am going to grab a quick before dinner snack since The Hubby doesn't get off until 8:00 tonight.

So, hopefully soon I will put The Expected's name up. But just once and then I'll have to find a nickname for her. I think it will be 8. You'll understand when I tell you.

So, for now, auf wiedersehen.