Thursday, January 28, 2010

And She Shall Be Known as...

AUGUSTINE! We're not sure of the middle name yet, but we've got the first name down. So, I shall call her 8 because August is the 8th month. Yes, I know she'll be born in May, but we like the name, so who cares. Plus, Augustine of Hippo is a saint. And NeedToBreathe has an awesome song named Augustine. But most importantly, Augustine highest rank on the list of names is #679 in 1882 and is currently not even ranked. I like the fact that there won't be 15 of them in the same kindergarten class. The only thing I ask...if you know her, please don't call her Auggie. I'm fine with her nickname being August but not Auggie. The name means "majestic one." Well, see if it fits her or not. I hope so, since I already call her that and all. The Hubby and I really like the idea of using a family name for the middle name but can't think of any that sound good with Augustine. I'm kind of a fan of Augustine Grace but we'll just have to see. Augustine Rose would be good as well.

Anyway, we're supposed to have a huge winter storm heading this way today. I kind of doubt it considering they're always saying a huge storm of some sort is heading this way and then it's almost always a dud. Sometimes they're right, but they're predicting huge amounts of snowfall and power outages. I just don't know that I believe them. I think we might get couple of inches of snow and I'm okay with that. I don't know about everything else though. What really gets me though is that 155 schools had closed before 9:00 last night. It is now 8:57 and there has not been a drop of precip. The governor, who I typically like, declared a State of Emergency last night before anything had even happened. I'm all about preparedness, but come on people. You're putting far too much confidence in weather forecasters who are wrong over 50% of the time. The Hubby and I did make a Walmart run yesterday because we were out of water and almost out of bread and milk gets drained at our house like nobody's business between The Hubby and Smasher. The shelves were bare. The was two loafs of actual bread. The rest was stuff like cinammon raisin and torillas. The water aisle was ghost aisle. Milk was running pretty low too. Now maybe I'm just not taking this seriously enough. Maybe I should be freaking out with everyone else, but I really don't think that's the answer. It's coming whether I or anyone else wants it to if it wants to come. Not much to do now but sit around and wait to see what it's going to do. If I don't post for few days, you'll probably know why.

So, for now, auf wiedersehen.