Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's not easy being green...

Or married. But it's worth it I've decided. Not the being green part, although I'd like to start doing more to live a more natural lifestyle. I digress.It's been rough couple of days. For those of you who knew me while I was pregnant with Smasher, this will come as a shock to you so keep reading. I seem to be more consistant on this pregnancy than I was with Smasher as far as mood swings go. I'm typically pretty happy, and laid-back. With Smasher, the exact oppisite was true. However, with this one, when my mood swings hit...they hit hard! I'm downright mean and spiteful and end up come away from the "fight" feeling like a terrible person for all the things I said and did. I tend to make MOUNTAINS (and I mean Everest-size) out of mole hills. This is something that I sometimes do even when I'm not pregnant. But my darling husband is a trooper. He offers to get anything that I want and will stick by my side during one of my fits instead of telling me I'm stupid and to stop being such a baby. I think he knows I'll admit to that myself when I stop throwing my tantrum. I truly do love him. He's a keeper. And if he deals with me this well, then I know he'll be a wonderful father to an amazing little girl...especially when she hits about 13.

Other than that, not a lot as been going on. Still sick. Still don't know what's wrong. Smasher's going with his Gram (my mom) to my grandparent's house this weekend and their going to the OSU wrestling match on Sunday. I think that's her favorite thing to do with him and he seems to enjoy it (especially Pistol Pete.) I'm glad they have their "thing." I'm getting a break sorta, but not really. The Hubby and I are going to finish painting and do a really good cleaning of the house on Saturday and hopefully go check out a new church Sunday morning.

The Hubby and I have been talking about this for a while. I need a church with a really strong music program while he would like to find a church with a more "praise" style service. So, we're going to try to find a church that has both of what we're looking for but with a really strong group of young married couples with children. We both love the churches we grew up in but we feel that maybe they aren't the churches for us anymore. Who knows? We'll just have to listen to God and do what He plans for us. When it comes down to it, the music program or the worship "style" really don't matter. What matters is that we can commune with other believers and find a church where we really feel at home. Both of us. So, please pray for our tiny family as we try to find that.

Well, it is FAR past my bedtime. Don't look at me like that. I'm 24 weeks pregnant and am about to turn 25 (that's old...j/k). I have an early bedtime these days.

SO, for now, auf wiedersehen.