Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lets Try This Again Shall We

Here I go again. I need a hobby since it seems I spend most of my days stuck at home in bed. So, today I thought, well lets try this blog thing again why don't we. So I am.

The reason I have chosen to call my blog "An Unexpected Life" is, well, because life isn't at all what I expected it to be a year ago, or even six months ago, or even five minutes ago. And while I love my life, rolling the punches sometimes goes a little awry. I never wanted kids. I never wanted to get married. But here I am. I am the mother of an amazing blue eyed little boy who just turned one and soon to be the mother of a beautiful blue eyed little girl in May. I couldn't be happier. I'm also married to the love of my life (and consequently, the most gorgeous man in the world.) My life isn't perfect but these people and the influence of many other people, make my life beautiful.

So, some other reasons why my life isn't so expected: I'm soon to be the mother to two children under two. That's just weird to me. I also never wanted to be a stay at home mom, but for right now, I have little choice and I have to admit, it's not as bad as I thought it'd be. I miss being at work with the big kids, but Smasher (as he shall be referred to from now on (Thanks Blu!)) and I seem to be getting along just fine. I'm really enjoying spending time with him and watching him grow up into a little man. Even if we're constantly working on the "no hitting" policy. (Hence, the web address name.)

Also, I never expected to end up in my hometown, with no degree. So, hopefully starting in the Fall, you can find me sitting behind a desk at a college near (or maybe far from) you. But the hiccup there is that The Hubby is currently planning on joining the Air Force. I am happy as it means wonderful things for our family, but also hesitant as it will certainly be a rough few months for me raising a new born and a toddler on my own while he's a basic training and tech school. Also, not knowing where we're going to be is a bit unnerving to me. But eventually, and I hope sooner rather than later, I will be back at school and someday will be a big kid. I don't want to be an adult but just a big kid.

So, this blog will be a hodge-podge of stuff, ranging from my daily life to what is up next for my little family. It may include Smasher and someday The Expected's (the little girls name until she's born) antics or a recipe since I do love to cook or even just a song or a poem that I have found. I don't have a particular agenda nor do I care to make this blog have a "theme." It is simply a place for me to write and for you to read. If you so choose.

So, for now, auf wiedersehen.


robyn keller said...

I will be following your blog. Ha!! Now you will have to keep it going.
