Friday, January 29, 2010

SNOW...everywhere and I do mean everywhere

I feel like I live in a snow globe. It's so pretty outside and since we didn't get much ice, it's really not too bad for driving either. That's about as much good that I can say about the snow.

I hate the snow. Unless I'm skiing down a snow-covered mountain, I could live without it. It's wet and when it gets packed, it's not much better than ice. Take my fall today for instance. I was walking down the two steps from my front door to the sidewalk and since the snow was packed, I slipped and fell, banging my back and my head on the concrete steps. Nothing is wrong other than some bruses, but I'm six months pregnant and falling is on the list of things-not-to-do. Another thing, I think Smasher hates it. He just kinda looks at it like "And the purpose of this stuff is...?" We did have to go out today as the dog needed food, the baby needed Aquafor, and we needed stuff for lasagna (which I will make tomorrow.) We also needed the necessities (i.e. bread, milk, eggs.) And of course we NEEDED Wee Too for breakfast-lunch today. The Hubby had to be at work at 5:00 this morning and decided it was needed. His afternoon job got canceled since he works at an after-school program and also his rock wall gig got called off for tonight and tomorrow. Good. We should be set to stay in for a while.

Had a little scare last night. I keep having bad headaches with blurred vision and stuff so I called the hospital to see if I needed to go in after it persisted for a while last night since stuff like that can be a sign for pre-eclampsia (Basically high blood pressure for pregnant women over 20 weeks.) We dropped Smasher off with my aunt for a little bit around 10:30 and headed to the hospital, almost getting stuck, but we made it finally. After they cleared everything they sent me home. I need to get my gall bladder checked according to my other bothersome symptoms but I didn't want to do it last night. Plus, when we left there around 11:45, Smasher still hadn't gone to sleep at my aunt's so we went and picked him up. It's been a long day. I'm ready for bed.

So, for now, auf weidersehen.