Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Playing the waiting game...

The Hubster and I are sitting up at the hospital waiting on the arrival of our friends baby girl. The Hubster thinks he's ready for another. I told him that when he can carry and deliver said baby, I'm ready. Just kidding. I'm sure Smasher and Shy will have another sibling at some point. All I ask is that the other two be out of diapers first. I like babies, I just don't like having them. Especially after having this last one just about ruined my life for 9 months. The passing out all the time and then not healing properly was just about more than I could bear.

This particular friend has been friends with The Hubster for a long long time and I just adore him and his wife. We spent the better part of our pregnancies being pregnant at the same time. And really there is nothing that bonds two women together faster than being pregnant together. She's going to be a great mom and he's going to be a great dad. I'm really excited for them! They're also having a little girl and since Shy and she will be so close in age, I'm hoping that they will be good friends.